Science and Technology Summer Camp
In order to thoroughly implement the Opinions of 18 departments such as the Ministry of Education on Strengthening Science Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era, enrich students' extracurricular life, enhance their  interest and love for science, broaden students' scientific vision and improve their scientific literacy, on the afternoon of 17th July, the west campus organized more than 100 teachers and students from Grade 7 to visit the Anqing Science and Technology Museum to carry out science and technology summer camp activities.
In the first place, under the guidance of Tang Changjun, the instructor of the Science and Technology Club, the students visited various exhibition halls of the Science and Technology Museum in an orderly manner, who interacted with science and technology exhibits in real time, feeling the charm of science and technology at zero distance. More remarkably, the cutting-edge scientific devices and scientific experience equipment brought students a feast of science popularization integrating knowledge, fun and interaction.
In the second place, students watched the wonderful science experiment show 'The Amazing Bernoulli' in the popular science experiment class activity, during which the science teacher unveiled the mystery of Bernoulli's scientific principles through the ornamental and interesting popular science experiments such as 'obedient little ball', 'balloon shooting', 'water over the cup', 'vital capacity competition' and 'rotating balloon garland'. Therefore, the students understood and learned the application of Bernoulli's principles in daily life through watching and interacting.
Finally, the human-machine interactive performance of the robot dog pushed the atmosphere of the event to a climax. What's more, the robot dog is strong and flexible, which can shake hands, say New Year greetings, roll, jump and even dance to the beat of music. On the other hand, the students positively participated in the interactive experience on stage, and controlled the robot dog to complete one difficult performance after another with the help of the science teacher. Thus, the audience laughed and cheered in the meantime.
In conclusion, students expressed that scientific knowledge is fascinating, who were deeply touched and inspired by today's activities. Additionally, the grand event greatly stimulated their interest in exploring the mysteries of science. Furthermore, our school shall continue to conduct such activities to cultivate students' scientific spirit and enhance their scientific literacy and practical ability, so as to further promote the integrated development of science and education.